How to Increase Traffic, Subscribers, and Sales Through Your Website


I used to struggle with getting traffic to my website. If over 500 people visited my website in one month, that was a success. I even remember my first 1k unique hit month.

After years of frustration, I finally figured out how to gain organic traffic through SEO and through social media.

How to get the most out of Google Analytics

If you haven’t already, sign up for a free Google Analytics account. By connecting Google Analytics to various parts of your website, social media account, and business properties, you’ll be able to look at the collective of data across your social media and web channels, to get a true understanding of who follows you, who visits your websites, and who buys from you.

How to connect Google Analytics to your blog or website

Connect Google Analytics to your website by copying and pasting the tracking code into the header of your website to start learning more about you audience today.

Google Analytics will allow you to learn more about where you audience lives, the things that they like, and the content they care about the most.

How to Connect Google Analytics to your Youtube Channel

You can use the same Google Analytics account to track other things like your Youtube Channel. You can follow me on Youtube here.

If you have a Youtube Channel, set up Google Analytics property tracking for Youtube.

Although Youtube offers a native analytics platform, Google Analytics will allow you to learn more about your audience which will help you confidently find companies to sponsor you in the future, create new products your customers will love, and create more relevant marketing for your audience.

Even if your channel is small, this will allow you to track bits of information about the types of products, services, and websites your followers enjoy the most. When relevant, you can use this information to tailor the content you create to attract more of a similar audience.

Instal your Facebook Tracking Pixel and Pinterest Pixel as well.


Audit your content strategy

If you’re struggling to gain traffic to your website, it usually starts with your website not ranking well in Google search due to a poor content marketing strategy.

You may think your blogs are interesting, but you could be wrong.

Your content may be boring, unoriginal, and super short.

Ask yourself the following:

  • With the traffic that you gain, what is the main goal you’d like to achieve?

  • Is it to gain more subscribers for your newsletter?

  • Is it to drive sales to a specific product or service?

  • How easy is it for someone to buy this product or service?

  • Is it clear that you sell this product or service?

Look at the content on your website, specifically on your blog and ask yourself the following:

  • If you were your target customer, would you really be searching for the types of content you’re currently sharing on your website?

  • Are you only posting when you have a sale or a new product launch?

  • How often do you post on your website?

If you don’t have a blog yet, you may want to consider it! As I don’t have any advice for you to drive more traffic to your website if you don’t have a blog.

Create longer and more informative content

When writing blogs for your website, I highly recommend creating long and informative genuinely helpful content that helps solve the problems of your target customer. This will naturally lead them to your website when searching for the problem your products and services solve.

Improve the length of your content by writing at minimum 2500 words per blog post. You can even start by building on top of content you previously published.

How to gain more traffic to your website

Stop promoting your website to people who don’t give a shit

Oftentimes, people get super excited about their new website. 

They tell their friends and family, share their link on their personal social media channels a handful of times, see little to no traction, and then give up.

When you’re promoting a piece of content that doesn’t resonate with your target audience in spaces that your target customer doesn’t even hang out, you’re creating a recipe for disaster.

Stop only promoting your website to your friends

Your friends are not your target audience. If you haven’t done your customer avatar research, now’s the time to get into it.

Skipping customer avatar and audience research is oftentimes the first hurdle you’ll need to tackle when looking to gain more traffic to your website and blog.

But once you know who you’re targeting and where they congregate, it will be easier for you to create an effective strategy on how you plan to get in front of those people and how often you will show up to them on which platforms.

Even if you’re only getting a little bit of traffic, Google Analytics will still help you learn more about your audience.

For example, if you know your target cares about a certain topic, think of how you can inject yourself into the conversation.

Tap into communities of your target audience members consistently

If you don’t know where your target buyer hangs out online, ask yourself the following:

  • What made you create the product or service offering you’re trying to sell.

  • What made you think there is a market for it?

  • What pain points are you solving?

  • Where did you learn about them?

If answering this question is difficult, you may need to do more customer avatar research.

Test different social media accounts to learn what works best for you

Some people find that creating Youtube videos is a great way to gain more traffic to their website by linking to their site in the video description.

I personally have found the most success on Pinterest.

After doing customer avatar research, I know now where my target audience hangs out on Pinterest. By creating unique pins that standout to my audience, I drive consistent traffic to my website through Pinterest.

Gain more traffic to your website through organic search engine optimization

At the end of the day, your goal should be to gain most of your traffic organically through SEO. Various social media sites should come second. This shows the health of a website.

Learn how to monetize your website and drive more sales to your business.

Use automation in your sales funnel

If you’re not driving sales on your website, you may want to consider looking at your sales funnel and seeking ways to use automation to help drive your message forward.

If you’re a service provider, do not ask people to email you for a quote, instead create some kind of lead magnet that funnels people into your buying process.

This can be in the form of an email autoresponder that your audience can optin or simply make buying your product easier to purchase by mentioning it throughout your website and content when relevant.

Constantly audit your website seeking simplicity in the buyer process. When all else fails, ask for help and hire a professional.
